I respect the guys at Stone a heck of a lot and wanted to brew one of the recipes that they released in BYO. I was looking for a beer with some hop, but more of a session beer so I settled on Levitation. I used my CB20 system and missed my target marks by 5 gravity points. My target efficiency was 81% and I got 73%, which is about right for a CB20 system with no sparge. I had planned for this in my calculations, so it wasn't a big deal, but I am thinking about redesigning my system to have an option to sparge. I didn't have any crystal hops on hand so I subbed Hallertau. I kegged the beer and at first tasting, it just wasn't good. I let it go for a few months hoping it would get better and it never did. Sadly, I gave up and poured out the keg. Maybe it was the hop sub or the higher suggested mash temp, I don't know, but this beer came out bad. Others have reported good results with this recipe, but it didn't work out for me.
9.4# 2-row
1.1# c-75
.6# c-150
.044# black patent
Mash at 156-157
90 min boil
.5 oz columbus 90 min
1 oz amarillo 30 min
1.16 oz crystal 20 min
.38 oz simcoe 20 min
1.48 oz amarillo dry hop
s-04 at 67 add diacytyl rest
1048 OG
Mosher's Ideal Pale Ale
Water Adjustments (tsp)
.587 Epsom Salt
.066 Chalk
4.407 Gypsum