With 4th of July coming up, I felt like I owed it to my country to brew a centennial pale ale, so I did. Just like that.
3 lbs Pilsen DME
3 lbs Muntons Extra Light DME
1 lb c-40 steeped to 170
15 min boil
2.5 oz Centennial at 15
1 oz Centennial at 5
.5 oz Centennial at 0
1 oz Centennial dry hop two weeks
US-05 at 66 ambient, raise to 68 for 2 weeks, then dry hop for two weeks
6 gallons pre boil at 1052
5.6 gallons post at 1056
Water Adjustments
2 tsp gypsum
"Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you're being inundated with
all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget
what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of
slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes."