In the meantime, I went out and bought a Robobrew V3 from morebeer and their Pliny recipe. The machine worked perfectly right out of the box. It is a really slick setup. It is not an automatic brewing machine by any stretch, but it is a very easy to use single vessel mashing and boiling machine. I am hard pressed to find another machine that offers more bang for your buck for easy all-grain brewing. I highly recommend the unit and will likely keep mine around even if my Brewie ever works consistently.
For the sake of posterity, here is a recap:
Brewie 1st Brew-Call Me Grainy Brewie Pad-ABV was supposed to come out at 6%, but I ended up around 4.75% because of the poor efficiency. Beer was watery and I wouldn't buy the pad (it was free with the Brewie).
Brewie 2nd Brew-Hopus Pocus Brewie Pad-ABV was supposed to come out at 6%, but I again ended up around 4.75% because of the poor efficiency. Beer was rather unremarkable and I wouldn't buy the pad (it was free with the Brewie). I think Brewie used too much water in their calculations for the machine. The grain bags are very tight and likely end up with a lot of dough balls.
Robobrew V3 Brew Day - Pliny the Elder (Morebeer recipe)
13# 2-row
1# carapils
6 oz C40
1# corn sugar added 10 mins remaining
2oz whole Cascade into mash; mashed into 4.25 gallons for 75 mins at 150, 170 mashout
2oz Magnum at 90
1oz Simcoe at 45
1oz Columbus at 30
1/2 tablet whirlfloc at 5 mins
2oz Centennial at flameout
1oz Simcoe at flameout
2 packs US-05 dry yeast
Dry hop-3oz Columbus, 1oz Centennial, 1oz Simcoe
Results-efficiency was low at around 63% because I mashed too thick. I sparged with 4 gallons of water and hit my intended volume of 6.6 gallons perfectly, but was low on gravity at 1.051. 90 min post boil volume was 5.28 gallons at 1.068, not bad.