Friday, December 30, 2011

Gina's English Cider

Since I don't get to hang with my sister as much as I used to, I decided to pack as much into one brew day as possible.  We made another batch of her favorite recipe, an English cider, while Blind Pig was mashing.  She introduced me to English cider a few years ago and it was nothing like the stuff we used to call Woodchuck-only nights back in college.  This recipe is from another homebrewer on homebrewtalk and I take no credit for it, but it is near perfection.  The recipe is a dead ringer for Aspall's dry English cider.  This is batch #3, and I only make it once a year.  The cider finishes dry to off-dry, around 1.002, 6.4% abv.

Gina's English Cider
5 gallons store bought apple juice (I prefer the kosher apple juice)
5 black teabags (English or Irish Breakfast)
3 key limes (or one regular lime)
1 pack s-04 yeast
(yeast nutrients as needed)

Add juice of lime(s) to 4 cups of water, bring to a boil then turn off heat. Steep teabags for 7-10 mins, cool for a few mins then add to carboy. Add nutrients and juice into carboy with an aggressive pour to help aerate the juice. Add yeast, put an airlock on then place in a cool (60F-70F) environment.

Primary for one month, then rack to secondary, topping off with juice. Leave in secondary until crystal clear (usually 2-3 months or so from pitching) then bottle with 4oz priming sugar.

Takes about a month to carbonate, tastes good after 3 months, but just gets better with age. I usually start opening bottles about 5 months after pitching.

I made this recipe with really expensive fresh pressed cider a few years ago and it was terrible.  A word to the wise, stick with the store bought cheap stuff.   

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