This brew was part of my segmented brewing experiment. It has become increasingly more difficult to find 6+ hours to brew so I have been reading about splitting the brew day into a mash on one day and a boil the next. I have also been trying to come up with a plan to brew two separate beers out of my 3 vessel system at the same time. I recently purchased a third pump and that sealed the deal. I mashed this all Simcoe IPA in my HERMS system and mashed a sister beer in the boil kettle as an e-Biab mash. I mashed out both beers for 10 mins at 170 to pasteurize the wort. I ran off the sister beer wort from the boil kettle into a sanitized bucket, rinsed the boil kettle, sanitized it, and then sparged the IPA as usual. Once the sparge water was used up I dumped the sister beer from the bucket into the HERMS kettle, sanitized it, and covered it for the night. This beer sparged as usual into the boil kettle and then I sanitized it and covered it for the night. Efficiency was 80%, down a tad probably because I rushed the sparge and perhaps some older grain. The next night I cranked up the boil and added my hops as usual. Souring is the main enemy in a segmented brew so I will be interested to see if 20 hours is too long to wait between mash and boil. Some brewers use this method with no issues and some report souring of the beer because lacto gets in the wort as it sits overnight. We will see.
10 lbs 2 row 7.25 at 1.049
1 lb flaked oats 6.25 at 1.056
.5 lb crystal 60 80% Efficiency
.5 lb cara-pils
Hop schedule (All Simcoe Hops)
.75 oz @ 60
1 oz @ 20
1 oz @ 10
2 oz @ 1
2 oz Dry Hop for 7-14 days
OG 1.056
Mash at 152
Vista, CA Water Profile
Water Adjustments (tsp)
.854 Epsom Salt
.825 Baking Soda
.155 Canning Salt
1.254 Gypsum
Dry hopped for a week and cold crashed. Transferred to keg 2-22. FG 1.013.
ReplyDeleteThis one is gone too, soured. Never going to try this again. If I really need to brew on a weeknight, I would do an extract brew.