75 min step mash from 144, 153, to 161 with a 30 min sparge at 168. My recipe was 8.8lbs of pilsner malt and 2.2lbs of wheat malt into 4.6 gal for mash and then 2.4 gal for sparge. Pre boil was 1047 and post boil was 1053. 65% efficiency. Used 5.2 mash stabilizer.
Great day, again.
Grains Additions Results
8.8# pils .18 oz Magnum at 60 mins 1047 pre boil
8.8# pils .18 oz Magnum at 60 mins 1047 pre boil
2.2# wheat .70 oz Orange peel at 20 mins 1053 post boil
.70 coriander at 20 mins
. 53 oz Hallertau at 10 mins
mash in at 143, raise to 144 for 20 mins, 152.6 for 30 mins, raise to 161.6 for 15 mins (7 g total water volume split 4.6g mash and 2.4g sparge)
. 53 oz Hallertau at 10 mins
mash in at 143, raise to 144 for 20 mins, 152.6 for 30 mins, raise to 161.6 for 15 mins (7 g total water volume split 4.6g mash and 2.4g sparge)
sparge at 168 for 30 mins
T-58 dry yeast at 70, lower to 65 at start of fermentation, 0 psi ferment
5.2 mash lock
5.2 mash lock
Fermentation started within 6 hrs